It is normal to feel sad and depressed at certain points in one’s life, however, there are serious difficulties that persist for a long time that may lead to a chain of emotions and problems that you may not be able to handle alone. Individual Counselling and Psychotherapy might be the answer because in every therapeutic session you are given the opportunity to explore what is troubling you.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is the meeting between the therapist and the patient, in an atmosphere of acceptance, confidentiality and openness the patient can express their problems and emotions. Individual therapy is a space and an opportunity to think, put things in order, evaluate and rethink issues that generate suffering, resolve conflicts, generate changes, acquire tools and resources, release burdens and grow personally.
In individual therapy, personal conflicts and their origin are identified. These can respond to special situations or have their beginning in our personal history, specifically in our childhood. Psychotherapy is more of a gradual process of understanding our inner world and the type of relationships we establish with others.
The objective of individual therapy is to understand, stop and think, to put into words what is happening, and to achieve a better relationship with yourself and with what is happening in your life. Understand why we repeat and fall into the same thing over and over again, overcome difficult moments and learn to take charge of our lives.
When a person can see himself in a different way, he can have different possibilities of response to the same event or the same experience. In therapy, it is possible to change the concept of oneself and heal the traces that still affect us.
Psychotherapy provides an effective treatment for a wide variety of psychological disorders, which, together with psychiatry, contributes positively to the patient’s mental health, sense of well-being and ability to manage his life in a satisfactory manner.